
🗣 *** 3/1/2025 - Volunteers Needed for 3/8/2025 Home Meet

We need a few extra volunteers for our home event March 8th. We have students who will be helping but they have asked us for a few extra hands. You do not need a special skill to help. Please sign up with this link.

🗣 General Meeting is December 3rd @ 6:30pm

Very Mandatory Meeting for Athletes and Parents.  Meet in the Performing Arts Center.

🗣 Click HERE to Register Online

Join us as we fill spots for our Girls and Boys teams this season: Distance | Jumpers | Pole Vault | Sprinters | Throwers

🗣 Coming Soon! Click HERE to Order a Uniform from the Track Team Store

​Athletes are required to wear the team uniform at meets, consisting of the SINGLET and SHORTS.  You do not need to purchase a new uniform if your athlete already has one from last season or from Cross Country.  THROWERS should see Coach Lock for uniform requirements.  The Player Pack included with Booster Club Membership Dues is NOT A UNIFORM. Fan gear is also available from the Track Team Store - let's show our Hoya Pride!

🗣 Login to ParentVUE to Upload Your Athlete's Physical - Click HERE for a Help Video

The athlete is required to have a valid Physical Examination Form and Clearance Form for each school year.  The parent / guardian should log into ParentVUE and then click on Athletic Registration to upload the required documents.  Athletes will not be allowed to participate until their CCSD Athletic Registration Status for the current school year is CLEARED.

🗣 Booster Fees Due by January 26th - Click HERE to Pay

Booster Club Membership Dues are $350 per Athlete.  There is a $50 sibling discount ($350 for the first athlete then $300 for each additional athlete).  When paid by January 26th, Booster Club Membership Dues include a Player Pack (T-Shirt, Pants, and Hoodie) and the Athlete's Banquet Ticket. No refunds after the Time Trial. Cost of the Player Pack will be deducted from the refund amount.

​🗣 Track & Field Workday is January 25th, 10am to 12:30pm - Click HERE to Volunteer

Please signup to help us prepare our facilities and equipment for the upcoming season! 

🗣 Practice Starts January 27th @ 3:45pm

Athletes should meet at the track by 3:45pm.

🗣 Transportation Policy

Athletes/Parents should plan to provide transportation for all meets.

​🗣 Fundraising Opportunity

Click HERE to make a donation to Harrison High School Track & Field Booster Club Inc. 

🗣 Questions?

​See Coach Williamson or Click HERE for Booster Club Contact Info